CrossFit Coach
Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise and Health Science
I have always loved being active and am very passionate about health and fitness. I started playing competitive sports when I was 8 and continued through college. I played soccer for 13 years along with several years of basketball and volleyball. I studied Exercise Science in college and spent a few years as a personal trainer after graduating. At this time, I also realized I had to become my own coach, as I no longer had a coach and team keeping me accountable. However, this is easier said than done and my results were limited, making it difficult to stay motivated. I began CrossFit in October 2014 and it was exactly what I needed. The community of people made it feel like being on a team, and having coaches to constantly push me to be better has helped me to get faster and greater results than I ever did on my own. Plus I fell in love with Olympic weightlifting and the functional aspect of CrossFit. It has made my day job as a massage therapist much more manageable, and I no longer experience the neck and back pain that I was having prior to CrossFit. I decided I wanted to help others do the same and achieve their health and fitness goals, so I attended a CrossFit Level 1 trainers course in August 2015. Helping others along with reaching my own goals continues to fuel my passion for fitness.
Your path towards better fitness and wellness starts today - join us for a free CrossFit class and experience how CrossFit Anazao can change your life.
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14 Angela Ct, Fishersville, VA 22939, United States of America