Career: Emergency Room Tech
Years at CrossFit Anazao: 4
Tell us a little about yourself.
I work in our local community emergency room. I was born and raised in Augusta County. Growing up, I never participated in any kind of sports or weightlifting. I found CrossFit from a friend that I consider a brother (Rex Elsa) who talked me into trying it in 2014. I smoked at the time and would go in and workout every now and again. I paid a membership but didn’t really show up. It was cool and I enjoyed it, but I didn’t fully understand it. Fast forward a few years, I quit smoking and began getting into the gym more. I got married and soon after, found myself pregnant, which took me out of the gym for a bit. It wasn’t until after the birth of my son that I then began to take my health more seriously, dedicating 3 days a week to the gym.
Fast forward to the last 3 years. Life is hard enough in the medical field. Throw in a global pandemic and it makes it worse. I was just getting to where I wanted to be with my fitness and the gym shut down. I was devastated. CrossFit had become my outlet and my escape. Whenever I had a really bad day filled with pediatric deaths, suicides, or whatever it was, I knew I could walk in those gym doors, say “I’m just here to move and sweat” and my coaches understood and we left it at that. I knew I could “let all my burdens and demons” out in this place by lifting as heavy as I could and leave my emotions on the floor in a puddle of sweat. I could cry it out, scream it out, lift it out and feel cleansed after each session.
What are your goals for CrossFit? Why do you do CrossFit?
To get a strict pull up. I’m so close. I have worked so hard on “ finding my lats“ and I want to say “thanks” to Coach Desiree as she literally grabbed my lats and said “this is what you what to activate” and she showed me how, and taught me how my muscles move. Ever since that moment it clicked and I understood.
What are your favorite movements? What are your least favorites?
FAVS: Deadlifts and Cleans! Deadlifts because I feel that it’s one movement you can’t fake, you either got it or you don’t. Cleans because they make me feel like a bad ass and I get to yell!
NOT FAVS: Snatches are my least favorite because of some mobility issues
What do you think is special about CrossFit Anazao?
The coach staff is amazing! They uplift you, work with you & check in on you. Ben truly cares about each and every one of us. He takes the time to talk with us and work with us. He truly wants us to achieve our goals. Another thing is the camaraderie that comes with our box. The athletes push each other. When you feel like “giving up” and you hear someone yell “keep going”! Or you look beside you and see someone just obliterating the workout and it encourages you to keep going and not slow down, rest or give up.
Anything else you wish to add?
The days I didn’t want to show up, those hard days are the days that build me up…those are the days I made real progress. I can truly say CrossFit has helped me be the bad ass I knew I could be. It’s helped me with my career and lifting and pulling patients all day long, from doing CPR for an hour to running up and down the stairs for those code blues when every second counts. So, for me CrossFit is not a choice, it’s my life – it saved me.
A note from one of our coaches:
A few words come to mind when we think of Alex – resilient, determined, hardworking, and passionate. When Alex loves and truly cares about something, she gives it her all, whether that means her family, her health and wellness, or her career. She’s battled her way through diversity and a rough knee injury, and continues to show up consistently to put in the work. Alex’s awesome work ethic is paired with her boisterous personality. She brings a fiery energy to class that is unmatched, and you can always count on her going all out for our annual CrossFit Open themes. Alex is constantly striving to be better, takes coaching to heart, and is always making adjustments in order to improve. We love the enthusiasm and energy that Alex brings to our gym, and we are very grateful to watch her learn and grow as an individual and an athlete.
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14 Angela Ct, Fishersville, VA 22939, United States of America