Personal Training

Train one-on-one with expert coaches

Pricing: 1-Hour Session: $75

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Appointment Details

Elevate your fitness journey with our Personal Training Program at CrossFit Anazao in Fishersville, VA. Tailored to your unique goals, our one-on-one sessions provide personalized attention, expert guidance, and a customized workout plan. Whether you're new to fitness or seeking targeted improvements, our certified trainers are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal results.

A black circle with a check mark inside of it on a white background.
Receive a personalized exercise plan designed to meet your specific fitness goals
A black circle with a check mark inside of it on a white background.
Enjoy the convenience of scheduling sessions that fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle
A black circle with a check mark inside of it on a white background.
Benefit from individualized guidance and support from certified trainers with years of experience
A black circle with a check mark inside of it on a white background.
Maximize your results with focused attention, addressing your unique strengths and areas for improvement

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Start building a better you

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