Career: Cardiology Accreditation Coordinator
Time at CrossFit Anazao: 4.5 years
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I live in Augusta County and love it. My hobbies outside the gym get a little crazy. I love to be outside and enjoy working on the farm. Or you can usually find me anywhere my kids are a softball field, basketball court or a livestock show. As for fitness I played sports in high school and not much after until a couple years ago when I joined CrossFit.
What are your current goals and why do you CrossFit?
I don’t have a goal for CrossFit other than getting better each day. For me that is lifting heavy or staying consistent during a workout. Having battled some injuries and health issues over the last few years has really changed my goals. I do CrossFit to be a role model for my kids. I can’t expect them to be healthy and love fitness if I didn’t.
What are your favorite movements? How about your least favorite? Why?
Favorite movements - I would definitely say anything with a barbell Deadlift, Back Squats, Bench Press and Cleans. The Echo Bike is my new favorite and has been fun to see the progress the last few months.
My least favorite movements - Mostly I dislike gymnastics movements like kipping pull up and toes to bar. Just because I get frustrated due to form and previous injuries. But I still try to do them.
What do you think is special about CrossFit Anazao?
It’s the community and coaches. Coach Ben truly cares about everyone and wants to see them hit even the smallest goals. They program to fit you where you are not where they think you should be on a chart. I know for myself I am appreciative of that after my own health issues.
Anything else you would like to share?
Everyone has a journey be proud of where you are. Go Gap Go 😊
A note from one of our coaches…
There’s so much to say when I think about JT! She is hard working in everything she does inside and outside of the gym walls, encouraging to the ones around her, and carries a postive attitude. No matter if she comes in and joins the zombie crew or after work she is sure to give a smile and share a few laughs along the way. Throughout the years we have shared many conversations and we have had a lot of laughs. We always look forward to her coming into the gym because she brings such positivity and will also put in work. Outside of the gym, she is a dedicated mother and sets an example to her children that should be the envy of all parents.
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