Career: CPO of CrossFit Anazao & Animal Care Specialist NOYDB
Years at CrossFit Anazao: 5
Tell us a little about yourself
I oversee the nutritional sustenance of a small, experimental, R&D team of soil aeration experts. I have no fitness background (which is evident if you’ve ever seen me in class). I also recently adopted a set of twins that are 51 years old from Taiwan.
What are you current goals and why do you do CrossFit?
Idk…not die?? See how far I can get before they get the AED out?? Oh…I also like to assert my dominance in class over the music or my platform. Stay strapped or get clapped.
What are your favorite movements? How about your least favorite?
Favorite movements: Deadlift, Hang Clean, and Box jump overs. Why? Because I am good at them. Like…really good. I have been on a quest to be the top athlete and everyone is a target.
Least favorite: Everything else. Because I suck at everything else. I also never use lotion because I like my hands to be dry and cracked like a railroad worker.
What do you think is special about CrossFit Anazao?
Ben gave me a well deserved title (still waiting on my 1/4 zip up embroidered jacket tho) and lets me put stickers on everything like an unsupervised 2 year old. I guess you could say things are going pretty good.
A note from one of our coaches:
Julie wears many hats. She’s our resident problem solver, punny sticker provider, and always on the lookout to make improvements inside our gym. She’s also known to show up consistently and put in all the hard work. Julie has been a dependable team player in our gym since day 1, and we can’t imagine an evening class without her. For these reasons, and many more, we are so grateful to have Julie as a member at CFA, but more importantly as a friend to many.
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14 Angela Ct, Fishersville, VA 22939, United States of America